In companies, expense reports are still generally managed in Excel. But spreadsheets are not very intuitive tools and are not really intended for collaborative work. This often leads to delays, errors, and omissions. The solution? Move to paperless processes with powerful expense management software! We focus on five major advantages of the N2F solution for companies today.
An app with smart scanning to maximize time savings
The N2F expense management application is equipped with a smart scanner (OCR). When you take a picture of your ticket or receipt, the details are automatically extracted. The date, amounts, VAT, tourist tax, currency, fuel consumption… all this information is immediately recorded and recognized. The expense reports are filled in automatically and can then be processed by the accounting department. This smart scan function is even more practical because URSSAF now accepts digital receipts.
Mobile employees benefit from an application that follows them wherever they go. Say goodbye to tedious manual entries in Excel at each month-end. They are a major source of errors and can turn out to be costly! It is currently estimated that about one in five expense reports needs to be rechecked. In addition, manually managing expense reports costs companies an average of €53 per report, plus an additional €48 if they contain errors.
The N2F application also helps you to maximize time savings. Whether you are at a restaurant, in your hotel room, or at the airport terminal, simply take a picture of your receipt using your smartphone application and that’s it! This scanning process saves precious time for all the company’s employees. Processing an expense report, which usually takes the accounting department about 30 minutes, becomes instantaneous. The result is faster and more regular reimbursements, with fewer delays and fewer potential disputes!
Travel expenses are calculated faster and more reliably
Business trips often involve travel by car, generating mileage expenses for fuel or vehicle wear and tear. To cover these costs, the authorities publish a yearly tax scale of mileage allowances.
The advantage of the N2F application is that it already integrates these tax scales and updates them directly. Mileage allowances are therefore calculated automatically, according to the tax horsepower of the vehicle and the distance traveled. And if the company has established its own scale, you simply need to customize the N2F app to take this scale into account. You can also make things even easier by entering your mileage via the integrated Google Maps module. It automatically calculates the distance traveled, in local and abroad. You don’t need to remember to read your mileage counter at the beginning and at the end of your trip! N2F also offers intuitive entry of the characteristics of each trip.
Real-time monitoring of expense report processing
The N2F application makes the management of expense reports more fluid and transparent. In progress, approved, reimbursed… teams can follow the status of their expense reports in real time and are informed immediately of every action taken by the accounting department.
The tool offers real autonomy to employees, who can transmit and monitor the status of their expense reports quickly and when they want. There’s no need to constantly chase the accounting department to obtain the information they need.
In addition, the application generates reports. Each employee expense can be scrutinized and potentially optimized, enabling the company to study and manage its expense management.
A paperless process from A to Z
The management of expense reports is completely paperless with N2F software. The smart scan detects the various details required, such as amounts or currencies, transmits them, records them, and archives them in real time. Taxes are calculated automatically and can be exported in a few clicks to every accounting software package on the market. The tool also generates refund files and SEPA transfers.
This intuitive and complete solution also eliminates problems relating to lost receipts, which often lead to late payment or even the non-reimbursement of expenses.
An application that even works offline
When you are traveling, internationally or in France, the 4G connection is not always optimal. Good news, the N2F application works both online and offline! So, you can scan your expense reports as you travel, without worrying about network quality.
Even in an outage, your data are recorded and synchronized afterwards, as soon as the network is recovered.
The N2F application can be installed on all types of devices, including smartphones, tablets, and computers. A practical asset, given that remote working is becoming more widespread and employees use both their professional and personal equipment on a daily basis.
Want to optimize your processes and improve your expense report processing? The N2F mobile application is available on iOS and Android. N2F is currently used by more than 5,000 companies around the world to simplify both the entry of business expenses and their management by accounting departments. Discover a simple, intuitive, powerful, and easy-to-use tool!